Garden City Comic Con 3



Author Jen Frankel

Jen Frankel is the author of Undead Redhead, an Amazon bestseller, Feral Tales, Leia of Earth, and the “Blood & Magic” series. Her stories, essays, and poetry have appeared in magazines across North America and have won her multiple awards and honours. She also works as a screenwriter/filmmaker, and as a “script doctor” for countless hopeful authors.


Norther Belle Rogue

We are extremely happy to welcome Northern Belle Rogue to our show. Not only is Rogue an amazing cosplayer and make up artist but is also the author of an incredible novel called Willow’s story. Please check out their website at


Mathew Therrien

Joining our guest list is Canadian illustrator and comic book artist – Matthew Therrien. He has worked with companies such as WARNER BROS., LIONSGATE and MARVEL to create art seen across the world. His paintings have been featured on the covers of HORRORHOUND, RUE MORGUE, MOVIEMAKER and DELIRIUM magazines, and he has provided numerous illustrations for distributors such as SEVERIN FILMS, SYNAPSE and CAULDRON FILMS. In 2013 he created an anthology comic called THE GATES OF MISERY in which he collaborated with writer/directors Brandon Cronenberg, Steven Kostanski and Jon Knautz. Most recently, he was the cover artist for the comic adaptation of SOUL REAVER (based on the best-selling video game series), as well as the cover artist for the comic series TRUE BELIEVERS, in which he created illustrations of creatives such as Jamie Lee Curtis, R.L. Stine, and Devon Sawa.


Santa Claus

Since our event is close to Christmas, we have a very special treat for you. Santa Claus himself will be with us. Bring the whole family by to say hello and have your photo taken with him.



Candy Cosplay

Candy is an extremely talented cosplayer coming from her home town of Hamilton Ontario. she has been cosplaying for roughly 17 years and has won several awards for her work.

Check out her FB page –


AngelicLuka Cosplay

She has been on the cosplay scene since 2005. She has been a guest at many conventions and her costumes range from anime to comic book characters and everything in between.Check out her instagram page –


Alex Rose

Alex has been cosplaying for 17 years and has plenty of masquerade experience, She volunteers with a fantastic group..Cosplay for a Cause, and is also an amazing photographer.

Please check out her her Fb page Alex Rose Photography

And her instagram


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